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Actualización de Hojas de Datos (Data Sheets) Prevención de Pérdida de Propiedades de FM Global

Para reducir los riesgos en edificaciones en desarrollo, nuevas y construidas, es importante contar con pautas de ingeniería comprobadas. Las hojas de datos de FM GLOBAL se constituyen como el material de referencia más importante a nivel mundial para prevenir perdidas en las propiedades.

Estos estrictos estándares ayudan a reducir la posibilidad de pérdida de propiedad debido a incendios, condiciones climáticas y fallas de equipos eléctricos o mecánicos. Incorporan casi 200 años de experiencia en pérdidas de propiedad, resultados de investigación e ingeniería, así como aportaciones de comités de normas de consenso, fabricantes de equipos y otros.

En julio de 2021 se llevó a cabo la última actualización normativa por parte de FM Global, puedes conocer los documentos actualizados en este enlace.

De manera especial, recomendamos revisar las siguientes Hojas de Datos:

  • Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
  • Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities
  • Water Tanks for Fire Protection
  • Halocarbon and Inert Gas (Clean Agent) Fire Extinguishing Systems
  • Glass Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical Operations
  • Industrial Control Systems

Normas actualizadas en julio de 2021.

DS 1-22Maximum Foreseeable LossInterim revision. Made minor editorial changes.
DS 1-24Protection Against Liquid DamageInterim revision. Emergency Response recommendations were relocated to Data Sheet 10-1, Pre-Incident and Emergency Response Planning, or to Section 2.4, Operations and Maintenance of this data sheet.
DS 1-34Hail DamageInterim revision. Made minor editorial changes.
DS 1-42Maximum Foreseeable Loss Limiting FactorsInterim revision. Revised MFL scenario guidance pertaining to above-ground, open-sided parking garages to reflect the increased hazard of passenger vehicles involved in fire.
DS 1-52Field Verification of Roof Wind Uplift Resistance (LE) GuidelinesInterim revision. Updated the scope of this data sheet to clarify the intent of the document for existing situations. Also removed references to an incorrect FM Global form.
DS 1-53Anechoic ChambersInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Clarified protection of hazards outside the anechoic chamber. Clarified recommendations for sole protection using sprinklers when the ceiling of the anechoic chamber is higher than 15 ft (4.6 m) (Section 2.3.3).
DS 1-54Roof Loads and DrainageInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Moved guidance on snow monitoring and removal plans to Data Sheet 10-1, Pre-Incident and Emergency Response Planning. Added recommendations for specific design working life and consequence class for the Eurocode.
DS 2-81Fire Loss Prevention Inspections to Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing, and MaintenanceInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Added ITM guidance for sealed, concealed sprinklers from OS 7-36 to Section and Table 2a. Updated references to Section 3.1.3 in Table 2b and Table 2c to refer to Section Revised Section 2.5.3 and added guidance for acceptable leakage for pilot lines (Table 2c). Clarified ITM guidance for when fire service mains only feed manual fire protection systems (Table 6). Clarified the need for a physical annual pump alignment inspection (Section 2.9.7 and Table 7). Clarified details in Table 9c ID 6 regarding verification of bladder integrity in foam system tanks. Removed 10-year ITM drainage requirement for water storage tanks (Section Updated references to Section and to and, respectively.
DS 3-2Water Tanks for Fire ProtectionInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Revised Recommendation 2.3.9 to allow underwater evaluation of the interior of tanks when appropriate, matching provisions in the July 2021 revision of Data Sheet 2-81, Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing and Maintenance (Recommendation Additionally, minor editorial changes were made.
DS 4-9Halocarbon and Inert Gas (Clean Agent) Fire Extinguishing SystemsInterim revision. Made editorial changes to Table 1 for Class C design concentrations at the designated electrical hazard voltage to be consistent with Note 3.
DS 5-4TransformersInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Clarified Section 1.0, Scope Clarified equipment contingency planning guidance. Added guidance for arc furnace transformer spare viability.
DS 5-12Electric AC GeneratorsInterim revision. Clarified equipment contingency planning guidance.
DS 5-23Emergency and Standby Power SystemsInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Revised Section to recommend shutdown of the fuel distribution systems in the event of a leak. Revised Section to recommend leak detection within double-walled piping systems and in pipe chases/shafts.
DS 6-17Rotary Kilns and DryersInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Clarified the difference between a lime kiln and a cement kiln. Updated the equipment contingency plan and sparing guidance for lime kilns.
DS 7-15GaragesInterim revision. Added a recommendation to ensure the building’s emergency response plan includes a discussion with the local fire service to address all associated parking garages.
DS 7-25Molten Steel ProductionInterim revision. Made minor editorial changes.
DS 7-26Glass ManufacturingInterim revision. Made minor editorial changes.
DS 7-36Pharmaceutical OperationsInterim revision. Relocated inspection guidance for sealed concealed sprinklers to Data Sheet 2-81, Fire Protection Systems Inspection, Testing and Maintenance.
DS 7-110Industrial Control SystemsInterim revision. Updated and clarified the following: ICS Security ICS Operations Construction and Fire recommendations
DS 8-9Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic CommoditiesInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Updated the scope to reflect recent changes to Data Sheet 3-26, Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies. Updated Sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4. Clarified how many sprinklers are needed per branchline in the hydraulic calculation for the ceiling-level sprinkler design (Section Added new guidelines to indicate when water shields are needed for in-rack sprinklers. Updated Section to recommend that all in-rack sprinklers be quick-response. Added new guidance for protecting in-rack sprinklers from damage during material handling operations. Added recommendation for face sprinklers when proper in-rack sprinkler clearance is not available (Section Added protection guidelines for uncartoned unexpanded plastics (Section Refer to the data sheet for complete list of changes.
DS 9-3USA and Canada (Excl. Puerto Rico) Cost TrendsUpdated as of July 2021
DS 9-10Rest of World Cost TrendsUpdated as of July 2021
DS 9-18Prevention of Freeze-UpsInterim revision. Moved guidance on emergency response planning to Data Sheet 10-1, Pre-Incident and Emergency Response Planning. Also made minor editorial changes.
DS 10-1Pre-Incident and Emergency Response PlanningThis document has been completely revised. Significant changes include the following: Changed title to “Pre-Incident and Emergency Response Planning” (from “Pre-Incident Planning”). Incorporated contents of Data Sheet 10-2, Emergency Response. Restructured content to highlight guidance based on peril. Added guidance for liquid leaks and spills and wildland fire. Updated snow monitoring and removal recommendations. Added pre-incident planning guidance for high-challenge fires where manual fire extinguishment is needed. Updated illustrative losses. Revised pre-incident plan template.
DS 10-3Hot Work ManagementInterim revision. Significant changes include the following: Added FM Approved portable fire watch systems as an option for post-hot work fire watch and fire-monitoring periods. Clarified active and post-hot work fire watch terminology. Increased the maximum lower flammable limit (LFL) (Section Clarified the guidance for designated hot work areas in outdoor locations (Section Revised the hot work permit to include FM Approved portable fire watch systems. Renumbered tables and figures based on section numbers
DS 12-3Continuous Digesters and Related Process VesselsInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Added NDE inspection, testing, and maintenance guidance for digesters. Updated equipment contingency plan and sparing guidance for digesters.
DS 12-6Batch Digesters and Related Process VesselsInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Added NDE inspection, testing, and maintenance guidance for digesters. Updated equipment contingency plan and sparing guidance for digesters.
DS 13-3Steam TurbinesInterim revision. The following changes were made: Clarified Section, Emergency Lube-Oil Testing, and changed the numbering format. Deleted references to obsolete Data Sheets 12-17 and 6-23. Changed Appendix A “Steam Turbine Types,” Section B, Items 1 and 2 from 10,000 hp (7457 kW) threshold to 6,700 hp (5,000 kW).
DS 13-7GearsInterim revision. Made minor editorial changes.
DS 13-10Wind Turbines and FarmsInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Changed the title of the data sheet from “Wind Turbines” to “Wind Turbines and Farms.” Updated recommendations to reflect current industry practice. Added tower and blade inspection recommendations.

Consultar las Hojas de Datos de FM Global.

2 comentarios en “Actualización de Hojas de Datos (Data Sheets) Prevención de Pérdida de Propiedades de FM Global

  1. Muy interesante la información enviada sobre las actualizaciones de las diferentes normas de UL, especialmente para los profesionales del área Prevención de Pérdidas Industriales que las consultan permanentemente.

    1. Hola Patricio, muchas gracias por escribirnos! En la medida que tengamos la información a la que haces referencia, con mucho gusto la compartiremos!
      Un saludo del Equipo de ANRACI!

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