Actualización de Hojas de Datos (Data Sheets) Prevención de Pérdida de Propiedades de FM Global – Julio de 2022Blog por ANRACI - 5 agosto 20229 agosto 2022 Tomado de: reducir los riesgos en edificaciones en desarrollo, nuevas y construidas, es importante contar con pautas de ingeniería comprobadas. Las hojas de datos de FM GLOBAL se constituyen como el material de referencia más importante a nivel mundial para prevenir perdidas en las propiedades.Estos estrictos estándares ayudan a reducir la posibilidad de pérdida de propiedad debido a incendios, condiciones climáticas y fallas de equipos eléctricos o mecánicos. Incorporan casi 200 años de experiencia en pérdidas de propiedad, resultados de investigación e ingeniería, así como aportaciones de comités de normas de consenso, fabricantes de equipos y otros.En julio de 2022 se llevó a cabo la última actualización normativa por parte de FM Global, puedes conocer los documentos actualizados en este enlace.De manera especial, recomendamos revisar las siguientes Hojas de Datos:Corrosion in Automatic Sprinkler Systems.Water Tanks for Fire Protection.Embankment-Supported Fabric Tanks.Lined Earth Reservoirs for Fire Protection.Flow and Pressure Regulating Devices for Fire Protection Service.Data Centers and Related Facilities.Fire Protection For Textile Mills.Fire Protection for Gas Turbines and Electric Generators.Fire Protection for Steam Turbines and Electric Generators.Para consultar los últimos documentos actualizados te recomendamos filtrar el contenido de FM Global por fecha de publicación desde la más reciente, de esta forma podrás identificar fácilmente las nuevas data sheets.Consulta y descarga las Hojas de Datos de FM Global a través de este enlace.Listado de Normas actualizadas en julio de 2022.Datasheet NumberTitleDescriptionDS 1-2EarthquakesInterim revision. The worldwide earthquake zones visual overview shown in Appendix C, Figures C.6.3A and C.6.3B has been changed to correctly reflect the FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map.DS 1-22Maximum Foreseeable LossInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 1-24Protection Against Liquid DamageInterim revision. Improved asset integrity program guidance for liquid piping systems for additional clarity.DS 1-28Wind DesignFull revision. The wind speed information for Australia (Figure 5 and Table AC 1.1.1 ) has been updated based on the latest Australian Code.DS 1-29Roof Deck Securement and Above-Deck Roof ComponentsInterim revision. Added guidance for the use of FM Approved roof leakage detection systems. Also made minor editorial corrections.DS 1-31Panel Roof SystemsInterim revision. Coordinate revisions with those being made to DS 9-18, Prevention of Freeze-Ups.DS 1-34Hail DamageInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 1-44Damage-Limiting ConstructionInterim revision. Guidance for various fuels was revised based on the current understanding of the risk. Section 2.1 was reorganized for clarity.DS 2-1Corrosion in Automatic Sprinkler SystemsInterim revision. Significant changes include the following: Added guidance and supporting information for the use of nitrogen in wet-pipe fire protection systems in Sections, 3.3, and 4.1. Added guidance and supporting information for the use of polymer enhanced steel pipe in Sections,, and 3.10. Added reference to Data Sheet 3-10, Installation and Maintenance of Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances, and pipe relining option to Section 3-2Water Tanks for Fire ProtectionInterim revision. Coordinate revisions with those being made to Data Sheet 9-18 and refer to Data Sheet 9-18 as appropriate. Select new 100-year return period daily minimum temperature thresholds at which to apply current freeze prevention recommendations and determine if any additional recommendations are needed after reviewing losses, and engineering and underwriting impacts. Revise Section 2.2.6, Protecting Tanks and Tank Piping Against Freezing. Review Section 2.3, Operation and Maintenance, and revise as appropriate. Review Section 3.8, Tank Heating Equipment, and revise as appropriate. Review Tables 6 through 9 for heat loss from steel tanks, and Table 11 for water circulating pipe sizes in steel gravity tanks and revise as appropriate. Remove Fig. 23 and Fig. 24 LODMT maps and add references to web-based locations.DS 3-4Embankment-Supported Fabric TanksInterim revision. Coordinate revisions with those being made to Data Sheet 9-18 and refer to Data Sheet 9-18 as appropriate. Select new 100-year return period daily minimum temperature thresholds at which to apply current freeze prevention recommendations and determine if any additional recommendations are needed after reviewing losses, and engineering and underwriting impacts. Review Table 1 for heat loss from embankment-supported fabric tanks and revise as appropriate.DS 3-6Lined Earth Reservoirs for Fire ProtectionInterim revision. Coordinated revisions with those being made to Data Sheet 9-18 and refer to Data Sheet 9-18 as appropriate. Selected new 100-year return period daily minimum temperature thresholds at which to apply current freeze prevention recommendations and determine if any additional recommendations are needed after reviewing losses, and engineering and underwriting impacts. Revised Recommendation 2.1.5 for ice allowance on ponds.DS 3-11Flow and Pressure Regulating Devices for Fire Protection ServiceInterim revision. The changes include the following: New guidance was added to address pressure reducing valves installed in a vertical configuration.DS 5-4TransformersInterim revision. Revision to ensure consistent guidance between DS 5-4 and Approval Standards 6520 for transformer on-line DGA monitoring certification.DS 5-12Electric AC GeneratorsInterim revision. The following changes were made: Added recommended commissioning tests for new generators and generators that have had a major modification or repair. Added guidance on generators with flexible operation. Revised Table 3, Generator Testing, with recommended tests subject to generator size (added a 20 MW threshold).DS 5-17Motors and Adjustable Speed DrivesInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 5-32Data Centers and Related FacilitiesInterim revision. The following changes were made: Added recommendations for the protection of equipment using Li-ion batteries in battery back-up units for distributed power systems of data processing equipment, Uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) and Energy storage systems. Modified guidance in Section 2.2 Construction and Location for multi-story data centers, to address leakage of liquids (Section and To provide preventing unauthorized access to a data center. Added recommendations to address the impact high velocity and horizontal airflow for the cooling of data processing equipment has on the actuation and operation of sprinklers, water mist system nozzles, and smoke detection (Section 2.4.7). Updated guidance on the proper application of wet, single, and double interlock sprinkler and water mist system configurations (Sections and, respectively). Updated recommendation and support guidance for oxygen reduction systems (Sections and 3.2.1B) to conform with Data Sheet 4-13, Oxygen Reduction Systems. Updated recommendations in Section for the proper placement of FM Approved clean agent fire extinguishing system discharge nozzles based on the listing to provide sound pressure level values to hard disk drives that are susceptible to damage. Updated guidance in Section 2.5.2, Hot/Cold Containment and Hot Collar Systems, to address inclusion of FM Approved panels to the FM Approval Class 4884 Standard. Added general guidance for “Quantum” computers in equipment and processes (Sections 2.5.1 and 3.3.1, respectively). Added guidance for B&M equipment with the specialized recommendations for their application in data centers and related facilities (Section 2.8, Utilities and Support Systems). Updated recommendations for automatic power isolation in Section 2.8.2, Power Isolation of Data Processing Equipment and HVAC Systems.DS 7-1Fire Protection For Textile MillsInterim revision. The following changes were made: Added guidance in Section 2.3.15 for nylon and polyester yarn. Revised guidance on ceiling sprinkler protection for production and finishing operation areas in Section Those areas should be protected as HC-2 occupancies. Removed recommendations for portable extinguishing equipment. Document has been reorganized to provide a consistent format.DS 7-12Mining and Mineral ProcessingInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 7-25Molten Steel ProductionInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 7-26Glass ManufacturingInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 7-31Storage of Aerosol ProductsInterim revision. The following changes were made: Provided additional criteria for classification of Plastic Aerosol 3 products, including those that contain 100% hydrocarbon and a maximum liquid volume of 0.3 oz (9 ml). Provided criteria for classification of Plastic Aerosol 2 products and Plastic Aerosol Cooking Spray products. Provided protection guidance for Plastic Aerosol 2 products and Plastic Aerosol Cooking Spray products. Clarified the location of face sprinklers for Scheme A protection. Added extended coverage sprinklers as a protection option. Corrected protection criteria for rack storage of uncartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products in Table Added limitations on the use of the Method of Testing for Sustained Combustibility for determining combustibility of the base liquid for Plastic Aerosol 1 products and Plastic Aerosol 3 products.DS 7-79Fire Protection for Gas Turbines and Electric GeneratorsInterim revision. The following changes were made: Added recommendations for providing water mist systems that have been FM Approved for local application over oil pool and 2D spray fire areas. Updated cable fire protection to associate fire protection rating to safe shutdown time. Added recommendations for oil conditioning skids.DS 7-85Combustible and Reactive MetalsFull revision. Significant changes include the following: Changed the title from “Metals and Alloys” to “Combustible and Reactive Metals.” Clarified where in a metal occupancy to recommend water-based fire protection as well as the protection design. Revised recommendations for isolating molten titanium-water explosion hazards and expanded to apply this guidance to furnaces processing molten hafnium, niobium, tantalum, and zirconium (hydrogen and/or rapid phase transition explosion hazards).DS 7-93Aircraft Hangars, Aircraft Manufacturing and Assembly Facilities, and Protection of Aircraft Interiors During AssemblyInterim revision. The following significant changes were made: Added FM Approved ignitable liquid drainage floor assembly technology as the primary protection recommendation for aircraft hangars with fueled aircraft. Added associated automatic fire sprinkler protection for use with FM Approved ignitable liquid drainage floor assemblies. Added inspection, testing, and maintenance recommendations for FM Approved ignitable liquid drainage floor assemblies. Added support for recommendations on FM Approved ignitable liquid drainage floor assemblies and removed references to “order of preference” or “preferred” protection options.DS 7-95CompressorsInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 7-101Fire Protection for Steam Turbines and Electric GeneratorsInterim revision. Clarifications were made to Section 2.2, Construction and Location, for consistency with Data Sheet 7-79, Fire Protection for Gas Turbines and Electric Generators.DS 7-110Industrial Control SystemsInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 9-0Asset IntegrityInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 9-3USA and Canada (excl. Puerto Rico) Cost TrendsUpdated as of July 2022.DS 9-10Rest of World Cost TrendsUpdated as of July 2022.DS 9-18Prevention of Freeze-UpsFull Revision. The following significant changes were made: Clarified existing and added new recommendations for locations where the 100-year return period daily minimum temperature (100-year DMT) is 20°F (-6.7°C) or colder. Replaced freeze maps and tables in Appendix D with an overview map of freeze areas.DS 10-1Pre-Incident and Emergency Response PlanningInterim revision. Changes were made to the freeze peril guidance to maintain alignment with Data Sheet 9-18, Prevention of Freeze-ups.DS 12-2Vessels and PipingJuly 2022. Interim revision. Made editorial changes for additional clarity.DS 12-3Continuous Digesters and Related Process VesselsJuly 2022. Interim revision. Made editorial changes for additional clarity.DS 12-6Batch Digesters and Related Process VesselsJuly 2022. Interim revision. Made editorial changes for additional clarity.DS 13-3Steam TurbinesInterim revision. Made editorial changes to provide additional clarity on steam turbine bulletins/alerts.DS 13-10Wind Turbines and FarmsInterim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.DS 13-17Gas TurbinesInterim revision. Made editorial changes to provide additional clarity on gas turbine bulletins/alerts.Consultar las Hojas de Datos de FM Global. Compartir en Facebook Compartir Compartir en TwitterTweet Compartir en Linkedin Compartir